Roblox - How To Appear Offline
Are you tired of being constantly bombarded with messages and game invites while trying to enjoy some peace and quiet on Roblox? Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem: appearing offline. By following a few simple steps, you can make it appear as though you are offline to other users on the platform, allowing you to enjoy your gaming experience uninterrupted. In this article, we will guide you through appearing offline on Roblox, providing you with the information you need to take control of your online presence. Whether you're looking for a brief respite from the chaos or simply seeking more privacy, this guide has got you covered.
Log Into the Roblox Account
Open up the Roblox homepage and ensure you’re logged into your account.
Adjust the Roblox Privacy Settings
Navigate to your account settings by clicking on the gear icon at the top right of your screen.
Roblox > Settings
Under Privacy, locate the Who can follow me? option. Set the option to No one. In some cases, the Who can follow me? option will not show up for you. Set the Who can message me? and Who can join me? option to No one.
Roblox Settings > Privacy