How To Increase & Decrease the Font Size on macOS

If you're a Mac user, you know that customizing your experience is key to getting the most out of your device. One important aspect of customization is adjusting your font size. Whether you need to make the text larger for better readability or smaller for increased screen real estate, it's a simple process that can greatly enhance your Mac experience. In this article, we'll show you how to increase and decrease the font size on macOS, and provide some helpful tips for maximizing your customization options.

Change the Font Size in your macOS Settings

Open up your system preferences and navigate to Displays. On the new window, ensure that the resolution is set to Scaled.


macOS Settings > Displays

Select your desktop, click View, and Show view options. On the new window, you will be able to change the Icon and Font size


Change the text size among other preferences


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