How To Fix Instagram App Not Launching or Working Properly on iPhone


Encountering issues with the Instagram app on your iPhone can be frustrating, especially when it refuses to launch or keeps crashing. Whether it's an unresponsive app or unexpected glitches, this guide will help you troubleshoot and resolve the common problems preventing Instagram from working smoothly on your device. From checking server status to ensuring your app's version is up-to-date, follow along for effective solutions to get your Instagram experience back on track without losing any data.

Check Instagram Server Status

Encountering problems with the Instagram app not launching or functioning correctly on your iPhone can be troublesome. A crucial first step in troubleshooting is to check if the issue stems from Instagram's servers. Visit this Down Detector page, a reliable source for checking real-time outage reports for Instagram. This tool offers immediate insights into widespread issues, indicating if the problem is on the server side. A surge in outage reports will confirm server-related issues, suggesting patience until Instagram resolves the service disruptions.

instagram outage report

Instagram Outage Report

Ensure Instagram is Updated

Once you've ruled out server problems, the next step is to ensure your Instagram app is current. App updates frequently address bugs and enhance performance, potentially solving the problem you're experiencing. Open the App Store on your iPhone, tap the search icon at the bottom, and type "Instagram" to see if an update is available. Installing the latest version of Instagram can significantly improve app functionality, providing you with the most recent features and optimizations for a better user experience.

update instagram app

Update Instagram Application

Offload and Reinstall Instagram

When Instagram fails to launch or work correctly on your iPhone and updating the app doesn't help, offloading Instagram might be a smart move. This process removes the app but keeps all your data intact. Here's how to offload Instagram:

  1. Access iPhone Settings: Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

  2. Navigate to Storage: Scroll and tap on “General,” then find “iPhone Storage.”

  3. Find Instagram: It might take a few moments to show all apps. Scroll to find Instagram.

  4. Offload the App: Tap on Instagram and select "Offload App." Confirm your choice.

  5. Reinstall Instagram: After offloading, there will be an option to "Reinstall App." Tap it to get a fresh version of Instagram from the App Store.

This process refreshes the app installation without affecting your data, potentially fixing any glitches.

offload instagram app

Offload Instagram app

Restart Your iPhone

Restarting your iPhone is a straightforward yet powerful troubleshooting step that can resolve numerous app-related issues, including problems with Instagram. Here's a quick guide to restart your iPhone:

  1. Initiate Restart: Press and quickly release the volume up button, then the volume down button.

  2. Power Off: Press and hold the side (or top, depending on your model) button until the “slide to power off” appears. Slide to turn off the device.

  3. Turn On iPhone: After the screen turns off, press and hold the side (or top) button again until the Apple logo appears.

A fresh restart clears temporary glitches and could smooth out any operational hiccups with the Instagram app.

restart iphone

Restart iPhone

  • First, check Instagram's server status for any reported outages. If the servers are fine, try updating the app via the App Store, offloading and reinstalling Instagram, or restarting your iPhone.

  • Visit a real-time outage reporting site like Down Detector. These sites provide live feedback on server status and reported issues from users worldwide.

  • Open the App Store, tap the profile icon, scroll down to find Instagram, and tap "Update" if available. Keeping the app up-to-date ensures optimal performance.

  • Offloading removes the app but keeps all your data. This allows you to reinstall the app afresh without losing your information, potentially fixing any glitches.

  • Press and release the volume up and down buttons, then hold the side button until the "slide to power off" slider appears. Slide it, wait for the device to turn off, then press and hold the side button until the Apple logo appears to turn it back on.


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