How To Lock Chats on WhatsApp with Face ID - Tutorial


Ensuring the privacy of your WhatsApp messages just got easier with the introduction of Face ID lock for individual chats on iPhone. This brief guide will take you through the simple steps to add that extra layer of security to your sensitive conversations. Stay tuned to learn how to safeguard your chats with Face ID, ensuring that your private messages remain just that—private.

Ensure WhatsApp is Up-to-Date for Enhanced Privacy

Securing your WhatsApp chats with Face ID starts with ensuring you're running the latest version of the app on your iPhone. This step is crucial for accessing new features like chat lock with Face ID, designed to enhance your messaging privacy. To check for updates, simply visit the Apple App Store, search for WhatsApp, and tap "Update" if an option is available. Keeping WhatsApp updated is key to leveraging the newest privacy features and ensuring your conversations are protected with the latest security measures.

update whatsapp

App Store > WhatsApp > Update

Activate Chat Lock Using Face ID on WhatsApp

Enhance the privacy of your WhatsApp messaging by utilizing the Face ID lock feature for individual chats. After ensuring WhatsApp is updated on your iPhone, open the app and select the conversation you wish to secure. Tap the contact's name at the top to access their info page, then scroll to find and toggle on the "Lock Chat" option. WhatsApp will prompt for Face ID verification; a successful scan locks the chat, confirmed by a green toggle.

lock chat

WhatsApp Chat > Options > Lock Chat

Locked conversations are hidden from the main chat screen for added privacy. To view these, swipe down from the chat list to reveal the "Locked Chats" section. Authenticate with Face ID to access and engage with these secured chats as normal, maintaining the confidentiality of your exchanges. This process provides a straightforward method to safeguard specific WhatsApp conversations behind Face ID authentication.

locked chats

Locked WhatsApp Chats

  • Yes, you can secure individual chats with Face ID on WhatsApp for iPhone. This feature enhances privacy by requiring Face ID verification to access locked conversations.

  • To update WhatsApp, visit the Apple App Store, search for WhatsApp, and install any available updates. The lock chat feature requires the latest version of the app.

  • Open WhatsApp, select the chat you want to lock, tap the contact's name to open their info page, and scroll down to toggle on "Lock Chat." Face ID verification will then be required to lock the chat.

  • No, locked chats are hidden from the main chat list. To access them, pull down from the top of the chat list to find the "Locked Chats" section, which requires Face ID authentication.

  • Ensure your WhatsApp and iOS are both updated to the latest version. If issues persist, restart your iPhone and try setting up the Face ID lock feature again.


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